25 Best Compliments for a Girl's Picture on Facebook

When it comes to social etiquette and complimenting girls on social media, there are some definite do's and don'ts. If you are interested in a girl and want to reach out to her over social media, you first must know what the best and worst ways are to compliment a girl's picture on Facebook, Instagram or on her WhatsApp dp (display picture).
Facebook offers you a great opportunity to reach out to people, form bonds with those you are interested in, and flirt with those who intrigue you. However, if you do it wrong, it could end up backfiring on you. So what is the best way to compliment a girl's picture without being weird or creepy? What is the best comment for a beautiful picture and how do you write good comments?
Before we get to the best compliments you can give a girl on Facebook, here are the biggest do's and don'ts in terms of social etiquette.
Top Do's on Facebook
- Be Purposeful with Your Interactions: No one likes random comments that don't have depth and meaning behind them. You have to have a purpose and a reason for commenting, otherwise you are going to look unauthentic. For example, just commenting “cool” on someone's photo does not have a strong enough purpose. With every single thing you put on the internet, you want it to be meaningful and significant, especially when you are trying to get the attention of a girl.
- Don't Overshare: Oversharing is not attractive, whether it be through your own posts or your comments on other's posts. For example, unless you are a foodie, you do not want to post a photo of every single meal you have every single day. This also comes into play with commenting. Do not be too overbearing on a girl's photo. Instead, keep it simple and meaningful.
- Too Personal is Too Much: This is especially true if you do not personally know the girl. If you are just trying to get the girls attention, sharing your whole life story or overstepping boundaries on your comments to her is not the way to go. In fact, it may do the opposite and scare her away instead.
- Use the Right Tone: Since you cannot show facial expressions (unless you use Emojis), you have to make your tone clear. If you are trying to get the attention of a pretty girl, you don't want to come off as angry or aggressive. Instead, make your tone casual, positive, and flirty.
Top Don'ts on Facebook
- Don't Comment for No Reason: If you are not interested in the girl in question, there is no reason to comment on their photos. Rather than comment for the sake of commenting, find someone that you are genuinely interested in, and invest your time and energy into commenting on their pics instead.
- Offensive Commenting isn't Funny: Some people, for some odd reason, think that it is funny and flirty to comment offensive or aggressive comments. Trust me, it is not cute nor is it attractive to be offensive. Instead, compliment the girl that you are interested in. there is no such thing as “if he is mean to you, he likes you” on Facebook. Be genuine, that is the best thing you can be.
- Oversharing Doesn't Help: As we stated in the previous section, oversharing and being too personal is never good. If you do not know the girl personally, the most moving comments are those that are short and to the point. They grab the girl's attention and you don't lose it in the process of spilling your whole life story.
- Mushy Gushy is Not Cute: While romance is cute sometimes, it is not if it is overdone, especially in front of all of your friends and family on social media. If you are commenting something super mushy gushy on a girl's pic for all of her followers to see, she may get embarrassed and scared away rather than be intrigued.
Best Comments for a Girl's Picture (and my secret tip)
Before you click ‘submit' on a comment, one good technique is to try and find out what the girl loves about herself so that you can touch onto that. A girl will often be impressed if a man can figure out what they are already confident about.
To do this, pay attention to her posts and photos that she posts. If she loves her eyes or her hair for example, she will make sure that they are a central focus in her photos. If she loves her figure, she will make sure that is shown.
Now that you know what the girl is confident in, follow the do's and don'ts listed above then comment away! Below is a list of the 25 best and most beautiful comments for a girl's photo on Facebook or Instagram. Try to find one that fits your situation and go for it:
- Your smile makes my day better.
- I learn something new from you every day.
- You are unlike anyone I've ever witnessed before.
- You look wonderful today.
- Your personality radiates through the screen.
- Your style is great.
- Your hair looks amazing today.
- There is something special about you.
- I look forward to your posts every day.
- Your eyes radiate a warmth and positivity.
- You are too pretty for a photo.
- How do you look so perfect all of the time?
- You always know how to keep me on my toes.
- This is exactly what I needed to see today. It is like you read my mind.
- I wish I could have met you years ago.
- Your eyes tell a story.
- There are no words to encompass your beauty.
- God, you are just perfection.
- This is perfection in a picture.
- You are a gift to everyone who knows you.
- I think I just found the answer to my dreams.
- Natural beauty!
- You have beautiful eyes. Has anyone ever told you that before?
- Beautiful. Just beautiful.
- You look gorgeous.
Worst Comments for a Girl's Photo
Now that you know all of the best things to comment on a girl's photo, there are some definite things that you should always avoid when trying to get a girl's attention. Some of the worst things you could do on a girl's Facebook photo is:
Call Attention to her Weight:
- Did you lose weight?
- Nice photoshopping!
Make her Question Your Intentions:
- Lol
- Hmmmm…
- Interesting
Call Attention to her flaws:
- Did you go on acne medication?
- This one will be deleted soon.
- Another selfie?
Make the Situation Awkward:
- Whoa, you look just like my sister!
- Did you and ____ break up or what?
- Looks fun, I wasn't invited though.
- Tags someone with no caption attached
How to get the attention of a girl on Facebook?
Overall, when it comes to social media sites such as Facebook, Snapchat or Instagram, there are great opportunities for people to meet, connect, and bond. However, you must do social media right in order to connect with anyone.
This is particularly true if you are trying to get the attention of a girl and impress her. If you want to approach a girl and start a conversation, you have to follow a few simple rules. Some of the most important rules to keep in mind are to be genuine, compliment something they feel confident with, and be yourself.
With social media, as with everything else, there are stuff that you should do and stuff that you should avoid. In order to properly get the attention of a girl to attract and seduce her, follow all of the tips and advice listed above, and you will get that dream girl to notice you.

Emilio Costa
Relationship Expert
I have been helping men better understand women's psychology for 15 years to be more successful in dating and happier in love.