What to Talk About with your Girlfriend over Text? 30 Topic Ideas!
What are some deep, interesting or fun conversations and topics to talk about?

25 Fun Ways to Ask a Girl Out for a Date - that work 99%!
How to ask your crush out for a date in a fun, creative way?

5 Worst, Funny & Most Embarrassing First Date Stories!
Some first dates can be awful, crazy or even awkward, but they do make for great stories later!

10 Best & Cute Ways to Tell a Girl you Like Her over Text!
How to tell your crush you like her over text in a cute way and make her understand your interest without saying it?

How to Flirt with a Girl over Text? 10 Real Examples that Worked!
What's the best way to flirt with a girl you like over text without being obvious?

How to Approach, Ask Out & Flirt with a Shy Girl?
You cannot approach a shy girl in the same manner that you approach an extroverted girl.

25 Best Compliments for a Girl's Picture on Facebook
What is the best way to compliment a girl's picture without being weird or creepy?