What to Talk About with your Girlfriend over Text? 30 Topic Ideas!

What to Talk About with your Girlfriend over Text? 30 Topic Ideas!


At any point in a relationship, there may come a time when you don't know what to talk about. You've just met a girl you like but barely know and the conversation doesn't feel natural. You're dating a girl and you try to ask her questions, but you feel uncomfortable. Or you've been with your girlfriend for a long time, you already know everything about her and you don't know what to talk about. Or you talk about boring things and have useless conversations. So what can you talk about with your girlfriend to bring back the magic of your relationship? What are the best topics for discussion? What questions can you ask to make the conversation more exciting?

Here are 30 deep, interesting or fun conversations, questions and topics to talk about with your girlfriend or a girl you like over text, whether it's on WhatsApp, Instagram or Messenger!

1. Make plans to go out

While it's true that improvised plans are more exciting, planning something to do together will delight you because it will make you feel like you're capable of organizing something together. A dinner, a day at the amusement park, a concert night... Be creative!

2. Talk about how your day was

Sometimes, when we are asked how our day has gone, we limit ourselves to saying "good". However, days tend to have ups and downs and things happen to us: On the street, at work... If you think about it, you will surely remember details that your partner may find funny or interesting.

3. Watch a show together and talk about it while doing so

You can make a bowl of popcorn and buy pizzas and ice cream and watch a cooking show or an interesting documentary while you talk about what's going on. It's really fun to comment, for example, funny videos or realities.

4. Tell her about that article you read on your way to work

It's possible that, in the subway that morning, you read an article about something that interests both of you. For example, some new scientific discovery, or the death of someone famous, or a revolutionary invention, or the announcement of the tour of your favorite singer. Anything you think you've seen that might interest her, tell her!

5. Those plans you made but never did

When you began to be together, you made a thousand plans together for the emotion of the moment, but once you have accommodated in the relationship and you have been forgetting ... Open the trunk of memories and rescue those plans ... It's time to talk about them.

6. Memories

Does the current situation remind you of a positive experience in the past? Bring it up – not only will you lighten the mood, but your girlfriend might be enticed to bring up an experience or two of her own, as well.

7. Plan a trip together

Since you have some money saved, the best way to invest it is to indulge yourself and go to Rome, which you've been wanting to go for a long time. It will be a lot of fun to plan it together: What to see every day, where to eat, learn things about the monuments, look for a hotel... You will have a topic of conversation for a while!

8. You have hobbies in common?

If you both like music, for example, you can talk about the latest music and just listen to music on Spotify. This is great if you're both tired because you can lie back and just comment from time to time on the songs you're listening to. You can spice up the game a bit by asking some fun questions like: Do you prefer this or that singer, this or that genre? What's the best funk, rock or pop singer in your opinion? Which singer do you dislike the most?

9. Talk about food and restaurants

Tell her that a friend at work recommended a great restaurant. You can even look at the menu ahead of time so you can recommend a particular dish to your gf that you know she'll like. If you both like to go to restaurants and eat out, you can compare places you've been to and get an idea of what type of restaurant you like best.

10. Talk about your fears

Although it's not a very fun topic of conversation, it can be very liberating to talk about your fears with your partner. Your girlfriend is one of the most loving and understanding people in the world, and I'm sure by talking to her you'll be able to support each other and reduce the impact your personal fears have on you. And asking about her most intimate fears makes for an interesting thing to talk about that will help you know each other on a deeper level.

11. Your dreams

This is very simple: To share the things you have always dreamed of with your partner is to open yourself to her, and she will thank you for your question and answer you in the same way.

12. Your family

Families always have problems, or their members have a lot to talk about, or they have a story from the past that deserves to be told. Talking about your family is a serious discussion you need to have because it means that there is already trust between you and marks an important step in the relationship.

13. Your holidays

If you have a desire to travel to any exotic location or if you have a particular destination in your bucket list, then you can discuss it with your girlfriend. You will know whether she shares the same desires and whether she would join you in your travel plan.

14. Ask about her friends

Your girlfriend should not only know all your naughty, sober, dirty, funny, lazy and crazy friends, but she should also be popular amongst them. Ask her about her friends and try to be friendly with them too.

15. Talk about your feelings and concerns

She's likely always going through something. Just try to understand what she’s going through. It’s easy to get your girlfriend to talk about how she feels about anything – girls love expressing their thoughts and emotions. Just keep in mind that when she does, she’s not looking for solutions – she’s looking for sympathy and support. Be sure to give it to her.

16. Discuss the future together

Ask her how does she see herself 5 years from now and you tell her about your views on your life. This could get into a really long and intense conversation.

17. Explain to her something you're worried about

Your emotional health is as important as your physical health, so you'll need to take care of it too. Being honest and open with your feelings, (my girl likes it when I tell her what’s bothering me) especially with your girlfriend, will help you stay on an even emotional keel... and it will strengthen your bond with your girlfriend, as well. Tips for men: Listen to your girlfriend when she needs to confide in you too!

18. If you live together, propose to divide the household chores and organize

After planning comes the grind. Even discussing who does what around the house counts as a conversation, and it helps you show your girlfriend how reliable you are. This is important – we all need our significant others to be the most reliable persons in our lives.

19. Sex talk

This conversation always serves to enliven the flame and is usually prior to sex, although it does not have to. From time to time, it is good to know that the other person still wants us physically, and talking about sex can be very stimulating. It's a good time to compliment her on her body and to talk about your favorite postures and what you like to do in bed.

20. Your past

No matter how many years you've been together, I'm sure there are things of your past she still doesn't know. Look in the depths of your mind and find those memories she is sure to be excited to hear.

21. Give her advice on things she's interested in

Maybe she's thinking about signing up for dance classes, or a foreign language class, or she's hesitating whether to buy one bag or another. Give her your opinion and reasons. She will love to know your opinion, even if she has the last word ;).

22. A serious topic: politics

Although this is a very controversial subject, talking about politics can make you know much more about what the other thinks in many ways. If you don't have the same political ideology, it will be very stimulating to know the other's opinion. Caution! Always talk about this in a way that is tolerant of the other's way of thinking so that it doesn't end in discussion.

23. Teach each other things you know and the other doesn't

If you work on different things, you can teach her basic things about your work. Also, you may know how to play the guitar and she has always wanted to learn. Or you may know a language she doesn't know and you can teach her words. Anything you teach her, she'll love. Men who know things are exciting to women.

24. Share your views on life

It is important that you and your partner have a similar vision of life, since you are supposed to be together to share your life (or at least a part of it). Talk about what your values are, what things you value most in people, etc.

25. Have a romantic conversation

Once in a while, it's good to remind your partner how much you love her. Although the cards are very romantic, telling your girlfriend nice things while you look her in the eye will delight her.

26. Play word games

Word games are a lot of fun. Even if they seem like a child's thing, there are word games for adults that you will love!

27. Celebrities and realities

Girls like to gossip about their favorites celebrities, their love affairs, and fitness regime. So, you can always talk about them and Hollywood stars with your girl. She will definitely be entertained talking about her favorite stars and if you tell her some special secrets about them, she will be very pleased.

28. Childhood memories

Childhood memories are always a subject that seems boundless. Sometimes you think and remember things you thought were forgotten.

29. World news

If your girlfriend is interested in world news, you can always talk to her about the latest world news or ask her about what she has read about it. Not only will this brush up your knowledge but will also make you appear as a well-read man.

30. Favorite places in the world

You can comment on the most wonderful places you want to visit. She may be very attracted to the pyramids of Egypt and you to Indian culture. This conversation can be very long because you can see pictures of the sites and read about them while you talk about it.

You now have many ideas for interesting questions and topics of conversation to discuss with her. Your girlfriend will be impressed and amazed by all the things you have to say. Remember: the most important thing is to listen to what she has to say after you start the conversation! Now it's your turn!


Emilio Costa

Emilio Costa

Relationship Expert

I have been helping men better understand women's psychology for 15 years to be more successful in dating and happier in love.