5 Worst, Funny & Most Embarrassing First Date Stories!

Dating can be hard, especially first dates. You are so worried about making the first impression that, more often than not, your nerves get the best of you. What are you going to wear? What are you going to say? What if they don't like your hair? Is my shirt wrinkled?
These are all common thoughts that go through your head when going on a first date. Like I said, dating is hard! It can be a little bit comforting knowing that your date is going through the same thing as you, but it doesn't guarantee that the first date is going to be great.
Some first dates can be awful or really bad, crazy or even awkward, but they do make for great stories later! Below are 5 of the worst, most embarrassing or funny first date stories that I have heard.
A meeting on Tinder followed by an invitation to a restaurant until the moment...
"On my first date with a guy I met on Tinder, I was so nervous. I was so worried about making a good first impression that I let the nerves get the best of me. I had been talking to this guy on Tinder for a couple of weeks before we decided to go to a steakhouse for a date to officially meet. He was dreamy with the dark hair, the blue eyes, and what seemed to be a good personality. I was so excited but so nervous. When I'm nervous or stressed, sometimes I get a stomach ache... I knew it could happen but so far it was fine. I arrived at the restaurant, met him outside, and then I started to feel sick to my stomach. I felt like I had to let go of this pressure. I was just praying that it would be quiet enough for him not to hear it. I was wrong... Right when we sat down to order, there it was, the loudest fart in human history. I am not being dramatic, it was LOUD. I was so embarrassed, he didn't know what to do, so we continued on the date. Needless to say, there was no second date." -Rachel, 26
Oh, There's Two Kyles?
"In college, I was in love with this guy named Kyle in my General Education math class. I would talk to him from time to time, and eventually, he asked for my number. I was so excited! We only had that class twice a week, so I didn't see him for four days after that class, nor did I hear from him. That Friday, my friends and I went to a pre-game party where I may have gotten a wee bit intoxicated. What can I say, I was just having some fun with my friends! The next day, I woke up to a text from Kyle, he actually wanted to go out with me! When I asked when, he said that night. Wow. I got all dolled up, did my hair, wore my favorite dress, powdered my face, and I felt great. When I got there, I didn't see him. After about ten minutes of waiting, another guy approached me and said his name was Kyle. I was freaked out at first, thinking that I was set up. Little did I know that I had drunkenly given a guy named Kyle my number at the party! Yikes. Poor guy.” -Kelsey, 24
I Ordered Salad, not Hot Dogs
“The worst date I ever had was one that could have ended a lot worse had I not noticed the signs early on. Just last year, a guy I had met at work asked me on a date, and I obliged. I didn't mind getting to know him. He was cute! I didn't know him that well, so I figured this would be a good chance. When we were at lunch, however, he started getting really touchy. He would not stop rubbing my legs, arms, and even leaning in a little too close for comfort. Because I didn't know him nor did I consent to this, I was very uncomfortable, so I excused myself to the restroom. When I was walking back from the restroom, I watched him slip something into my drink. I SAW him slip something into my drink! I was so shocked; I didn't know what to do. I grabbed my purse and ran. From that day on, he never approached me at work again, thank God.” -Lindsay, 32
The Bill please
“I am not a big believer in the ‘man must pay’ ideology, but I sure didn't expect what this guy did to me. In college, I was asked on a date by a guy I met through Tinder, so I was excited. He asked me on the date, and he chose where we would go which was a not-so-cheap restaurant. I was giddy, thinking a guy would be willing to take me to such an expensive place. We had an amazing date, laughing and smiling the whole time. It was looking hopeful, but when the bill was about to be brought to the table, my date went to the restroom, only to never come back. I was left with a $214 bill! Boy was I mad.” -Haleigh, 29
Plastered for Pizza
"A guy I had been friends with for a few months finally worked up the guts to ask me on a date, and I said yes because I had always had a little bit of a crush on him. This crush didn't last long though because when he showed up to the date, which was thirty minutes late, by the way, he was plastered. When I say plastered, I mean he could barely even walk. I struggled through dinner with him, only for him to ask me for a ride home. I wasn't going to leave him in this condition, so I said okay. Then the worst thing imaginable happened. He threw up. In my car. He threw up IN my car! It took forever to get that smell out of there! After there, he ran the other direction whenever he saw me, and I certainly didn't complain." -Heather, 34
It doesn't just happen to other people
Through these stories, as entertaining as they may be, they also teach you that you are not alone. Everyone experiences bad first dates, third dates, and even dates all the way into marriage. Dating can be hard and vulnerable, and it can even result in you being embarrassed. Just go with it, laugh it off, and maybe it will be a great story to tell in the future!

Emilio Costa
Relationship Expert
I have been helping men better understand women's psychology for 15 years to be more successful in dating and happier in love.