25 Fun Ways to Ask a Girl Out for a Date - that work 99%!

If you want to ask a girl out on a date but don't know how, there are some ways that you can go about it to get the results that you want. Whether you are wanting to ask out your friend, your coworker, or maybe even someone you just met, you want to make sure that you say the right thing even though you may be super nervous.
There are a lot of ways to ask a girl on a date, but, if we are being completely honest, some work much better than others. The number one most important thing to remember when asking a girl out is to be yourself and be authentic in your feelings and emotions. There is nothing more attractive than a man who knows who he is and how he feels.
So what's the best way to ask a girl out?
Below are 15 cute and fun ways to ask a girl out that will work all of the time! Stay tunes at the end for 10 extra ways to ask your crush or friend out on a date if none of the following works for you!
15 cute, funny and original ways to ask a girl out
1. Be Different: Try to move away from the ‘normal' date ideas and do something out of the ordinary: “Forget the movies, will you go adventuring with me?”
2. Ask Her on Her Birthday: Make her special day even more special and ask her out on her big day: “I want to make your special day even more special. Will you go out with me?”
3. Write Her a Poem: If your girl is into sentimentality, what is more sentimental than a poem? “Roses are red, violets are blue, you're really cute, and I like you. Dinner?”
4. Do a Treasure Hunt: Make a little hunt that leads to the date: “Follow the clues for a special surprise.”
5. Bake Your Message: No one can say no to cookies: “I baked these cookies for you, will you go on a date with me so we can bake cookies together?”
6. Get Her Friends to Help: No one knows her better than her friends, so take advantage of that: “With all of your friends here as witnesses, will you go on a date with me?”
7. Top it Off with Coffee: Coffee is the key to a girl's heart: “I like you a latte, will you go on a date with me?”
8. Get a Talking Bear: Go to the store or order a custom bear: “It's ‘beary' nice to talk to you, would you like to talk some more over dinner?”
9. Buy Her Flowers: Roses, violets, and lilacs galore: “I knew these were your favorite kind. Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?”
10. Make it Romantic: Light some candles, buy some flowers, and pop the question (not THE question, but you know.)
11. Make it Her Fortune: Take your baking skills to the next level and make her her very own fortune cookie with the fortune of a date in her future.
12. Write a Letter: If you are too scared to speak it, write it: “I may not be able to articulate myself verbally, but I would love it if you went on a date with me.”
13. Be Cheesy: Some girls love a good pickup line: “I lost my number, can I have yours to replace it?”
14. Use her Pet: Write a cute little note and attach it to her pet. How can she say no to that?
15. Make her Feel Special: Make her feel special and confident: “I think you are amazing, and I would love to get to know you better. Can we go out sometime?”
5 Ways to Ask a Girl Out Over Text
Sometimes, it can be quite intimidating to ask a girl out in person. Because of this, another common way that people ask others on dates is over text, on WhatsApp or Facebook. Because texting is not as personal as in person, it is important that you do it right.
Along with “How do I ask a girl out?” people most commonly ask “Well, how can I do that over text?” To help you out, here are 5 ways to ask a girl you like out on a date over text that work almost every time!
1. Use Her Own Interests: Plan something out using what you know she is interested in and use that to your advantage such as, “Hey, I know you really wanted to see the new ____ movie. Do you want to go see it with me?”
2. Start the Conversation Strong: Never just jump straight into asking, but don't be too subtle either. For example, you want to start a good conversation but don't want to just text “Hey” or “Sup” because that does not show interest.
3. Feel out her Mood: Even though emotions are something hard to read over text, try to feel out her mood and make sure that this is a good time to ask before you do so. For example, if you can tell she is busy or distracted, wait for a better moment.
4. Flirt a Little: Before you pop the question, try to add little “You are so pretty” or “I love your laugh” and little flirtatious texts to see how she reacts to it. If she is into it, go for it! If not, you have to weigh out whether or not you would like to risk it or not.
5. Have a Plan and Ask the Question: Don't go in unplanned. Because texts are harder to be clear than in person, write out your question ahead of time to be sure that your intentions are clear. A good example would be, “I have really enjoyed talking to you, and I would love to get to know you better. Would you like to go out to dinner and a movie with me?”
5 Amazing Ways to Ask Your Friend on a Date
One of the most intimidating things to do is to ask your female friend out on a date. It is a high risk since you have a pre-existing friendship, but if you want to take your friendship to the next level, you have to go for it.
One of the most commonly asked questions is how should you go about asking a personal female friend out on a date. There are many ways to do so that raise your chance of her saying yes such as the following 5 ways.
1. Be Confident: If you show any lack of confidence when asking your friend on a date, they will likely think that it is a joke, you are not sure, or something else. Because of this, when you find the right moment to ask your friend out, do it with confidence and say, “I really like you. Would you like to go on a date with me?”
2. Wait for the Perfect Moment: It is important that you wait for the right moment to ask your friend on a date. Because you don't want to ruin your friendship or anything like that, you want to make sure you don't just ask at any random time. Instead, wait until the mood seems right.
3. Be Clear About Your Intentions: Since you are friends and have been friends for a while, make sure that you make it clear that you want more than a friendship. Don't just say “Hey, want to go to the movies?” because they may interpret that as just friends. Instead, say something like, “I know we have been friends for a while, but I want to take it further. I would love to take you on a date sometime if you are open to it.”
4. Give her Something Personalized: Because you know more about the girl you are interested in since you were friends prior, you can ask her in a more personalized and special way. For example, you can buy her her favorite snacks, ask her to watch her favorite movie, or more!
5. Flirt and See Her Reactions: If you are unsure of whether you friend likes you back, try to feel out the situation first. Whenever you hang out with her as friends, flirt a little, compliment her, and give little clues to see how she reacts. If she reacts well, go for it!
Final dating tips and advice
Overall, whether you want to ask a girl you just met out or a friend you've known for years, there are ways to do it that almost guarantee that she will say yes. The key to all of this is knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it with confidence and charisma.
Whether you decide to ask the girl out in person or over text, you want to be sure that you are clear about what you want and what you intend to get out of this. Being unclear can lead to confusion and you and the female not being on the same page.
Be clear, be confident, and go for it. You don't want to regret not taking the chance and asking your crush out, so do it and do it with all that you can. Whether that means baking cookies or buying her flowers, try to use one of the tips above that you feel would work best for that specific girl's personality and liking.

Emilio Costa
Relationship Expert
I have been helping men better understand women's psychology for 15 years to be more successful in dating and happier in love.