12 Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Is Seeing Someone Else

You are not a couple anymore but you still have some feelings for her. Or you are not sure but you feel like it would hurt if you knew she had a new boyfriend already? So, how to know if your ex girlfriend is seeing someone else? What changes in her behavior should you be able to notice if she is dating someone? What is the best way to know for sure if she has a new boyfriend?
Here are 12 clear signs that will tell you if your ex girlfriend is seeing someone else:
1. She starts going to new places
Isn't it true that you remember all the places you went together when you just started seeing each other? When you both felt nervous every time you were going to see each other and you said things like: “Same place as the last time”. And that felt like you already had a space that was only yours. When you start being together with someone, it is common to share these new memories in new places.
These can be very different types of spaces: It can be a club, where they see each other every Friday night. Or a library, where they met when they were studying (he could even be the librarian, make sure he is not some hot-blond dude).
2. You don't see yourself reflected in her hints through Social Media
She uploaded a picture on Instagram looking pretty good with a caption like: “I love it when you call me señorita, I wish I could pretend I didn't need you, But every touch is ooh la la la… 🎶”. But you never called her “señorita”, and you haven't touched her for months... Suspicious.
Sometimes, when a couple breaks up, social media seems to be the only way to show how you feel, and it is normal that the things they post after they break up reflect the way they are feeling at that moment. So, if you cheated on her, she would post a tough-girl-face picture saying: “Don't trust anyone” or “They all let you down” or things like that because her confidence and pride are damaged and they need to let everyone know that she is disappointed without showing she cares too much.
But the turning point comes when her feed starts getting loving, sexy and happy again. If she doesn't show her anger at you, direct or indirectly, worry. Because that shows healing. And healing can result in opening to new (love) experiences.
3. She doesn't react to your indirect moves to get her attention
When you first broke up, you knew that she was paying attention to your moves because you heard from her through friends or through Social Media. One of your friends might tell you: “Hey, I saw your ex the other day. She reminded me of the time we went to the beach all together and got drunk. That was fun, man!” She was trying to reach out to you through your friends, or maybe she reacted to any of your posts on Instagram or Facebook.
In any case, that shows that she still cares and has feelings for you. But if your friends don't see her anymore or when they do she doesn't talk about you… Or if she stops liking your pictures or seeing your Stories on Instagram... That could mean that she has other things to pay attention to… And those can include a new guy.
4. Drunk texting is not happening anymore
It is well-known that alcohol makes us vulnerable, especially to showing our true feelings. Everybody that has been interested in other person knows that a night-out can mean regretting some embarrassing texts the next morning. Recent exes tend to text each other to show many different feelings: Anger after a cheating situation, sadness after an “I don't love you anymore” type of break-up, or heartbreak after a big fight.
Or maybe she texted you at 3 AM and minutes after being like: “Oh I didn't mean to text you, my fault”. Believe me, she meant to text you and she missed you at that moment. So if she stops contacting you while being drunk, worry. She might be drunk texting someone else.
5. When you talk, it's like you are friends
You are this type of ex-couple that talks every now and then to blame each other for the breakup. Even if the conversation starts in a good mood, you always end up telling her what she did wrong and vice versa.
But suddenly, one day she seems to have forgotten everything she hated before and she only wants to know that you are doing okay. She even jokes about things! Forgiveness is a long road, and there are many reasons and paths to get to it. If she seems to have forgiven you easily and she suddenly wants to be neutral friends with you, worry.
6. You see her friends hanging out without her
When you broke up, her friends were her most important source of support. She went on a trip to Cuba with them, she went to parties with them even though she didn't like it, they spent nights and nights hanging out in the same bar they always went to... But one day, you see her friends drinking in that bar and she is not there, and this happens again, again and again.
If you have the chance to talk to any of her friends and she gives you shitty excuses, worry. Her friends know where she is, but they definitely don't want you to know.
7. She uploads food or drink pictures in new places
Remember when I first talked about these new places she might be going to with her new “friend”? Well, there is a visual hint that is clear as water: The “date-picture”. It consists of a picture with two elements of everything. Let me explain: In the picture, you can see the table and two food plates, one in front the other. Also, it could be two beers or even worse: Two glasses of wine or two cocktails. That is classy and classy is dangerous.
There are two options here: if her company is in the picture, he or she can be just a friend. But if you can't see in the picture who she is with, worry. Never forget: That is a “date-picture” and it is a red flag.
8. She deleted the pictures you had together on Facebook or Instagram
This can happen for two reasons and one of them (and the most common) is that she feels very resentful towards you for the way or reason you broke up. In this case, it is usual that she deletes them within the next week after the breakup.
It is definitely suspicious if she does it after two months or so. Why? Because that could mean she is planning on starting a new relationship and she doesn't feel good still having those pictures with you in her profile. Believe me, the next interactions she shows on Social Media will hit you on the forehead in the form of a photo with her new “friend”.
9. She took up a new hobby
She always hated sports but now she is playing tennis every Tuesday and even going to the gym. You never went to the cinema together but now she is going there every week and seems to be an expert in it. What happened?????
She might be seeing someone who is interested in these things and she is trying to get his attention or do these activities so she gets to spend time with him.
10. She doesn't brag about her happiness
When a girl first breaks up with her boyfriend, they cry and want to be alone watching Netflix and surrounded by dirty pieces of tissues and junk food (ice cream or chocolate, or both!). That is her real mood, but it is very different from the mood she shows to the rest of the world or on social networks.
The world can't know she is having such a horrible time. It's Friday night and she dresses up and she pretends to be happy. And she talks and acts exaggerating how happy she is. Bullshit.
But there is a moment when she stops exaggerating, and you can tell she is healing because she doesn't waste her time showing how happy she is or how much fun she is having at the party. That shows healing and remember what we said about healing... It can lead to forgetting.
11. She takes her time to answer your messages, ignores you or avoids your calls
This sign is easy to spot. When a girl wants you back after a breakup, she answers your calls. You might have to try two or three times, but she will answer if she still has hope in your relationship.
If she doesn't answer, she might be talking to some other guy. She can be doing this to forget about you, but even in this case she would answer your calls if she still has any hope for you two as a couple.
12. She avoids meeting you
This is a situation that doesn't affect everyone and it only works for exes that are still seeing each other every now and then. The case is, you meet and talk (and even hook up sometimes). The case is, you meet and talk (and even hook up sometimes) with the excuse of “we should talk”.
But there is a turning point when that changes, and it's the moment one of you meets someone. When that happens, she starts avoiding you subtly. Subtlety is bullshit: if her motives are not crystal clear, she is seeing someone else.
My advice if you identify many of these points: Leave pride aside and tell her how you really feel. Women like men that are able to express themselves properly, especially when it comes to feelings and love. But VERY IMPORTANT: Don't look desperate, even if you truly are, because desperation has exactly the opposite impact that you want to make. Tell her how you feel without being too much, that is your last opportunity to win her back and make her come back.
Good luck!

Emilio Costa
Relationship Expert
I have been helping men better understand women's psychology for 15 years to be more successful in dating and happier in love.