10 Signs Your Girlfriend is Cheating on you (10th will Shock You!)

Are you worried about your girlfriend and whether or not she is being faithful? Trust is the most important aspect in any relationship, and if you fear that you cannot trust your girlfriend, that can bring a lot of trouble into the relationship.
Before you accuse your girlfriend of being unfaithful, however, you want to be sure if she is cheating on you or not. If you accuse her without being sure of it, that can cause even more trouble within the relationship. How to know if your girlfriend is loyal? What are the first signs of cheating?
Below are 10 clear signs that your girlfriend is cheating on you and being unfaithful. You will not see the 10th one coming!
1. She is always on her phone
If your girlfriend begins to be overly interested in her phone or is on her phone much more often than she used to be, this may be a sign of unfaithfulness. It may not only be a sign of unfaithfulness, however, but it can also be a sign that she is not invested in your relationship.
2. She doesn't want to be sexual
Most coupes establish a routine for sex whether they mean to or not. If your girlfriend seems to be distancing herself away from this routine or doesn't seem interested in sex at all, this can be a sign that she is not as invested in the relationship.
3. She is suddenly super social
If your girlfriend used to spend a lot of time with you but is suddenly spending a lot of time with her friends or out and about, this may be a sign that she is getting closer to someone else or is distancing herself from you.
4. She is concerned about your whereabouts
While you may be concerned about her whereabouts, her being overly concerned with yours all of the sudden may be an issue. If she constantly wants to know where you are, when you are coming home, and what you are doing certain days, she may be sneaking around behind your back.
5. She isn't interested in your future
If she refuses to talk about your future together as a couple, this can be a sign that she is distancing herself from your relationship and doesn't take it seriously anymore. This is even more of a problem in a long distance relationship.
6. She is flirty with other guys
While some people may have a naturally flirty personality, if your girlfriend begins to intentionally flirt with other males in front of you, this is a sign that she is not very invested in your relationship and does not respect you as her boyfriend.
7. She starts placing blame on you
Naturally, when someone is feeling guilty about something, they will try to place the blame on someone else. This is a reflection of their own guilt even if they know they are the one in the wrong.
8. She is unhappy
If she is no longer happy in your relationship, she will likely seek happiness elsewhere. While this does not make cheating okay, make sure that you have a serious relationship if you notice that she is no longer happy with you.
9. She disappears for long periods of time
It is never a good thing when your girlfriend disappears and doesn't tell you where she is. This is a big sign that she is seeing someone else or is trying to avoid being with you. Either way, it is not a good sign.
10. She is buying new clothes
This one may seem odd and shocking, but if your girlfriend suddenly seems to be going out of her way to look better, especially when she is not with you, or is excessively shopping and changing her style, this may be a sign that she is trying to impress someone else.
What do you do if your girlfriend is cheating?
Once you have established that your girlfriend is cheating on you, naturally, the next question is "What now?" What do you do now that you know your girlfriend was unfaithful? There is no true answer because in the end, it is up to you what you decide to do. If you need some guidance, however, here are some routes that you can take:
Allow Yourself Time to Think. This is not a decision to take lightly. First things first, tell your girlfriend that you need time to think. Take everything in, weigh the options, and come to an informed decision. You never want to make a decision you will regret later.
Talk to Friends and Family. While it may be hard to open up or embarrassing to tell your family and friends, your loved ones know you best and they can give you great advice. You need all the help you can get, though at the end of the day, make sure that you make your own choices.
Talk to Her in Private. It is important to talk to your girlfriend about what happened, why it happened, and what they want now. This way, you can both be on the same page and decide whether you want it to come to an end or you want to give it another chance. This also allows you to grow a little bit more trust since the trust has been broken.
Remember What you are Worth. Never forget what you are worth. It was not you that cheated, so you have no reason to feel guilty. Don't go back to your cheating significant other just because you feel like no one else will love you, know that you are worth more than that and make a fair decision for yourself.
How do I rebuild trust after my girlfriend cheats?
If you decide to try to work it out with your significant other, one of the biggest challenges to overcome is being able to build trust again. Trust is central to any relationship and without it, your relationship is bound to fall apart. While rebuilding trust with a significant other that cheats may seem impossible, with patience and time, it can happen. Below are 8 ways that you can work to rebuild trust with your girlfriend:
1. Have Healthy Communication: Communication is key to build trust in a relationship. Talk about your feelings, your expectations, and everything else so that you are always on the same page.
2. Focus on the Present: If you decide to try again with your relationship, you need to let the past go. If you become too focused on what happened in the past, you will never be able to move on in the present.
3. Trust Your Instincts: Trust your instincts and what you feel is right. If you give it another chance and still don't feel comfortable, trust your instincts and decide whether staying together is the best thing for you.
4. Give Yourself Space: You and your partner need to realize that it is going to take time and you are going to need space to feel comfortable. Don't let them make you feel guilty for needing your space to regain trust.
5. Tell Them What You Need: Make sure your partner knows what you need from them to feel comfortable and confident in your relationship. This is one of the key parts of having an open communication.
6. Accept the Ups and Downs: Don't expect everything to be perfect because it won't be. Accept that there are going to be good days and bad days, you just need to learn to grow through them and work together to move past them.
7. Practice the Three A's: Affection, Attention, and Appreciation. Show one another that you love and appreciate them daily and give each other the attention that you need.
8. Keep Your Promises: Both sides need to keep their promises. If you promise to give the relationship another chance, keep that promise and give it you all, but make sure that your girlfriend upholds their promises as well.
Tips and advice when your girlfriend is cheating on you
Overall, cheating can be hard to deal with, especially as the one who is cheated on. If you feel that your girlfriend is cheating on you, look at all of the clues to see if what you suspect is actually true, then go from there.
If you find out that your significant other is actually cheating, there are some mental processes that you have to take to feel confident and comfortable with whatever decision you make. You are not the one at fault, so through it all, you must always remember what you are worth.
When you find out that your significant other is cheating, you must decide whether you want to move on from the relationship or give her a second chance. In the latter case, you have to work together to rebuild the trust that was lost and find a way to grow from this rather than living in the past.
Most importantly, remember that this was not your fault and you didn't deserve to be cheated on. Make the decision that is best for you no matter what decision that is.

Emilio Costa
Relationship Expert
I have been helping men better understand women's psychology for 15 years to be more successful in dating and happier in love.